Notice: There will be no further updates to the comparison tool, however I am in the process of making the code open source, so if you would like a copy please send me an email (address in readme file). You will need Delphi 2007 (win32) to work with the source (earlier versions may be possible). All VCL components are either my own or freeware and will be included.
(11 Nov 2008)
- XP Theme support
- Open source preparation
(14 Feb 2008)
- ToHit Debuff from
Rise To The Challenge is no longer resistable
- Moment of Glory
- Improvement in
averaging the effects of duration powers that give a large increase
in sustainable damage, so that damage remains at a level that can be
sustained across the entire fight duration. See 'Averaging' in help
text for more information
- Help text updated
(05 Dec 2007)
- Issue 11 Willpower
power changes. The original Willpower beta powers are available here.
- Issue 11 ToHit
Debuff IO sets
- Added new preference
option 'Result Type' which can show:
Mission - current
fight and rest cycle across multiple groups
Alpha - alpha
strike that reduces health to minimum
- Power window can
now be locked by right clicking a power
- Check for updates
on startup added as a new menu option
- Automatic updater
- Cloak of Fear
for Brute now affects Lieutenants as well as Minions
- Fixed a problem
where the result window breakdown tree could become corrupted
- Fixed a problem
with Moment of Glory not always calculating the number of health crashes
- Improved and corrected
result window display of health loss, regeneration and healing figures
when Moment of Glory is active on a powerset
- Fight duration
can now be as low as 5 seconds, export figures reduced to 1 decimal
place to allow for larger numbers
- Result window
now includes % of enemy affected by -recharge and -damage effects
- Help text updated
(06 Nov 2007)
- Issue 11 preliminary
power file added for Willpower powersets
- Hamidon enhancements
now appear for selection in issues 4 to 7
- Cancelling out
of load window no longer gives message that load is complete
- Fixed a problem
with Stalker Dark Regeneration only applying to a single target
- Fixed a problem
with Stalker Overload not applying HP increase correctly
- Changed range of
Disturbed setting up to 95%, for conditions where there is an aura in
- Added new result
information ‘Average Increased Health’ to show the averaged effect of
health increase powers
- New look windows
- Help text updated
(02 Oct 2007)
- IO set accuracy
bonuses corrected to be accuracy buffs and not tohit buffs
- Cloak of fear duration
corrected to use level increase table
(24 Sep 2007)
- Issue 9 and 10
power files added
- IO support (Heal,
Defence, Resistance and Fear sets)
- HO support (Hamidon,
Sewer, Titan)
- Character origin
- Corrected a problem
with the recharge time of the Hasten power itself when under the effect
of other recharge time altering powers
- Enhancement window
- Fixed a problem
where Rest power was not calculating enhanced value correctly where
powersets had different enhancements in the power
- Regeneration support
powers now affect rest periods
- Shared support
from CoH/CoV moved to new menu ‘Options’. Shared support being active
is now visually shown with a background change and green powers
- Inherent / mandatory
powers that are always on can no longer be deactivated
- Rest power corrected
to level 2
- Fixed an export
problem where powers were being included even if the player level was
not high enough
- Corrected and
simplified calculation of the percentage of minions affected by cloak
of fear
- Range of enhancement
levels extended from +0 to +3, to –3 to +3
- Help text updated
(05 Dec 2006)
- Issue 8 power
file added (includes healing flames change)
- Energy Absorption
I6 onward, defence per enemy modified to 1% (Max 1 non stacking) + 0.6%
(Max 10 stacking)
- Help text updated
(18 Aug 2006)
- Rest power added
to all main powersets
- Copy Rest power
option added to edit menu
- Health recovered
during rest periods calculations extended to include Rest power
- Health recovered
now calculated individually for each rest period, so that caps can be
correctly applied. Inclusion of Rest power showed that large amounts
of recovery in a single rest period could distort averages
- Fixed a float
to integer problem that was causing minimum health to be reduced when
a comparison set was saved
- Fixed a problem
in simulated figures (power active %, crashes per fight and heals per
fight) where a power that recharged near the end of a fight, and was
deemed not worth activating before next fight, would still start its
recharge cycle
- Help text updated
(08 Aug 2006)
- Corrected Chilling
Embrace calculation, which was not correctly allowing for the split
of enemies affected, and not affected
- Export corrected
to react to comparison set selection checkboxes when changed
- Export selection
correctly saved on exit after ‘Clear All’ buttons used
- Export corrected
to show both comparison sets when selected, was not showing second set
if power issue and other preferences matched on both sets
- Maneuvers amended
to 0.35 scalar as per Prima Guide
- Accuracy of calculation
of health loss and regeneration, including health increase power(s)
- Simulation options
added to damage ratio window. These allow control over whether a duration
power is worth activating, based on how much of the fight is remaining
- Health increase
powers no longer include the effect of the heal when activated at the
start of a fight. The effect is however included in the amount recovered
during resting
- Unyielding changed
to –3.75% defence for Brutes and Scrappers
- Ramp up of Parry
and Divine Avalanche modified to take accuracy in to account correctly
- Ramp up of Parry,
Divine Avalanche and Energy Absorption modified to take in to account
effects spanning short rest periods
- Calculation of
health loss, now takes in to account how much health can be recovered
in rest periods. This is used to model health loss from full health
to minimum across the total duration of all fights (Rest power
is not currently included)
- Healing calculations
used to adjust the benefit of heals during a single fight, have now
been extended to look at the benefit when spread across the total duration
of all fights and rest periods
- New line added
to results window powers breakdown, ‘Health Recovered Resting’ which
shows the average amount of health recovered during rest periods
- Fixed a divide
by zero that could happen when changing fight duration
- Fixed a divide
by zero where MoG was used with a fight duration less than or equal
to 180 seconds and a single group Fixed
a problem with MoG and Unstoppable that was causing them to miscalculate
the number of crashes
- MoG and Unstoppable
adjusted to include health crashes during rest periods, but to exclude
crashes for MoG that are beyond the last fight (this area requires
further work with regard to crashes and health recovery suppression
during rest periods)
- Help text updated
(21 Jun 2006)
- Electric Armor
- Dark Armor Stalker
- Rest time added
as a new option
- Number of groups
added as a new option
- Duration powers
now take in to account rest periods and number of groups to fight, when
calculating the ratio of power uptime/downtime
- Powers with a
health crash now take in to account rest periods and number of groups
to fight to determine how many times the health crash will occur during
the sequence of fights. This also includes whether the crash is during
a fight or rest period
- Healing powers
now take in to account rest periods and number of groups to fight, when
calculating how often they can be used in a sequence of fights
- Exclusivity added
for Granite Armor and Combat Jumping, Rooted and Hover, Rooted and Combat
- Fixed export not
creating [list]…[/list] correctly when no support AT powers selected
- Damage type default
split adjusted (use damage ratio window reset button to activate
- Numerous small
power data changes based on prima guide information
- Power window now
shows a message for powers that have suppressed defence values during
combat. The message indicates how much of the power is suppressed
- Chart ‘Set All’
and ‘Clear All’ buttons only clear the visible checkboxes
- Option added to
Health Window to show health or maximum increased health cap
- Maximum health
cap now included in health increase calculations
(02 Jun 2006)
- Weave adjusted
to 0.5 scalar (5% Tankers, 3.75% Scrapper, 3.5% Blaster)
- Stealth adjusted
to 0.5 scalar (0.25 suppressed value shown)
- Shadow Cloak, Cloak
of Darkness, Energy Cloak adjusted to 0.5 scalar (cannot be suppressed)
- Stone Armor defences
adjusted to 17% for Tanker, 12.75% for Brute
- NPC accuracy corrected
for I4 to I6 using a 5% per +level tohit buff modifier
- NPC accuracy corrected
for I7 using a 10% per +level accuracy modifier
- Tohit debuff level
modifier introduced (this is same table as C.E. and fear level modifiers)
- Tohit debuff resistance
introduced for I7 (10% Lt, 20% Boss, 30% AV)
- Corrected problem
where streakbreaker was being applied to C.E. and fear level modifiers
- Energy Aura – Power
Shield and Kinetic Shield defence values adjusted
- Player accuracy
adjusted for +levels
- Healing Flames
activation time reduced to 1.5 secs for I7
- Help text updated
(25 May 2006)
- Fight duration
added as new option
- New factor health
loss included in basis for sustainable damage calculation
- Healing calculations
improved to work around health loss
- Reworking of Unstoppable,
MoG, FoN and Light Form
- Energy Absorption,
Parry, Divine Avalanche now ramp up over the duration of the battle
- Invincibility defence
corrected to show all defence related to Invincibility on invincibility
line, was only showing defence per enemy portion and not fixed amount
- Invincibility corrected
to 5% for fixed amount
- Energy Absorption
defence corrected to show all defence related to EA on EA line, was
only showing defence per enemy portion and not fixed amount
- Energy Absorption
corrected, was not stacking fixed portion of defence
- Help text updated
(16 May 2006)
- SR passive and
toggle values adjusted for I5, I6 and I7
- SR Stalker - Lucky
scalar included in Evasion
- AT modifier values
applied to all defence based pool powers
- SR passive increases
in I7 reversed back to I6 levels
- Help text updated
(05 May 2006)
- Added option ‘Share
CoH/CoV Support’ to allow support buffs from Defenders/Controllers to
be applied to Villains, and Corruptors to Heroes
- Currently selected
powerset saved on exit
- Parry and Divine
Avalanche reduced to 15% from I5
- Recharge times
of Healing Aura and Heal Other adjusted
- Tohit debuffs moved
to schedule B from I6 onwards
- Adjustment to accuracy
formula with regard to how power base accuracy is applied
- Help text updated
(08 Mar 2006)
- Added Defender,
Controller, Corruptor support powers to analysis
- Corrected problem
where some non-stacking powers whose recharge rate was lower than duration,
were still being scaled down by the activation time
- Corrected Blaster
Epics which were no longer applying
- Improved response
times by putting results window update in to a background task
- Added menu option
under edit to copy Stalker primary power
- Axis labels added
to charts
- Unavailable powersets
excluded from chart
- Blaster Tough set
to70% of Tanker
- Kheldian Tough
set to 75% of Tanker
- Default slotting
for Aid Self reduced to allow room for 2 interrupts
- Help text updated
v2.2.0 (27 Feb
- Stalkers
- Corrected problem
in export where unavailable powersets were still sometimes appearing
in the results table
- Stealth powers
suppressed in combat are now included and showing suppressed values
- Correction of export
view URL font color
- Shadow Cloak corrected
in I7 power file – was not showing or applying
- Cloak Of Darkness
updated to ALL defence in line with the I6 changes to all stealth type
- Calculation used
in ‘Cycle group size to model defeating groups’ for sustainable damage
improved to weight the result based on the remaining undefeated enemies
– see ‘averaging’ in help text for further information
- Help text updated
v2.1.0 (21 Feb
- Forum export
- Parry and Divine
Avalanche corrected to accept accuracy enhancements
- Chart selection
options saved on exit
- Saved result selection
options now correctly showing on entry
- Help text updated
v2.0.1 (10 Feb
- Reset buttons added
to preferences, group composition and damage ratio window to allow default
values to be reset
- Corrected results
window sometimes jumping to top when powers are deactivated
- Results window
height made resizeable
- Selection added
to results window to allow individual powersets to be excluded from
the result breakdown
- Description for
I7 powers corrected, was displaying as I6
- Help text updated
v2.0.0 (06 Feb
- Brutes
- Correction to scaled
defence to apply the 5% and 95% caps before and after the tohit is scaled
for villain level and rank
- Added Psi damage
type defence to all pool powers for Issue 6 onwards
- Moved tohit debuff
enhancements to schedule A
- Extended power
window to show enhancement increase %s as well as base and enhanced
- Stealth corrected
to not include defence figures from I5 onwards, as the defence is suppressed
in combat
- Healing Flames
reduced to 17.5% heal from issue 5 onwards
- Corrected Brimstone
Armor to accept damage resistance rather than defence enhancements
- Improved speed
of loading sets and powers
- Set All and Clear
All buttons added to charts selection
- Cosmetic changes
to support CoV, including general references to villains changed to
- Help text updated
v1.7.2 (13 Jan
- Scaled defence
added for Issue 7
- Issue 7 preliminary
power file added
- Help text updated
v1.7.1 (10 Jan
- Averaging across
enemy types enhanced to take in to account the amount of damage and
time to defeat the enemy. This is done using the following ratio:
Hero = 3 minions
= 1.33 lieutenants = 0.67 bosses = 0.22 AV
- Default group size
lowered to 14. This is based on an 8 man team generating ~26 points
of enemy on a 4:2:1:0 ratio
- Average values
added to +0 to +4 lines in results window breakdown
- Corrected divide
by zero error when minions are reduced to 0 in group composition
- Corrected divide
by zero error when group size is reduced to 0
- Reworked default
Issue 6 comparison sets to include a maximum of 3 enhancements of the
same type (in line with ED thinking)
- Help text updated
v1.7.0 (06 Jan
- Improved accuracy
of ED calculations
- Corrected problem
where powers were still being included in calculations when the player
level was lowered below the power’s level
- Charts
- Help text updated
v1.6.1 (22 Dec
- Tanker Temporary
Invulnerability corrected to 30% resistance
- Improved accuracy
of ED calculations
- Added option to
allow streakbreaker to be included in accuracy calculations
- Help text updated
v1.6.0 (09 Dec
- Eclipse corrected
to 11.25% resistance per villain
- Fixed problem where
loading sets/powers could incorrectly set regional settings
- Added Fear and
ToHit Debuff enhancements
- Added Cloak of
Fear power to Dark Armor
- Added Aid Self
to pool powers
- Tough and Weave
values adjusted for Kheldians and Blasters
- Help text updated
(18 Nov 2005)
- Heal powers are
now always based on base health and do not take in to account HP increasing
- I6 HP increasing
powers are now 50% enhanceable with heal enhancements
- eworked how the
power accuracy is applied in accuracy calculations
- Added psionic resistance
to I6 Warshade Eclipse power
- Added control over
the percentage of defeated melee villains available for powers based
on defeated villains
- Added option to
allow calculations to be done on cycling group sizes to model defeating
- Invincibility at
Statesman supplied levels checkbox option removed
- I6 Invincibility
cap and defence per villain has been reduced. Base defence introduced
for first villain
- I6 Energy Absorption
cap reduced. Base defence introduced for first villain
- Corrected I4 Invincibility
base defence which was missing
- Help text updated
v1.4.0 (17 Nov
- Corrected Chilling
Embrace to use its own villain cap, was using Energy Absorptions
- Peacebringer and
Warshade added
- Help text updated
- Improved calculation
of Super Reflexes health based resistance
v1.3.1 (11 Nov
- Corrected Fiery
Aura powersets not loading after spelling correction
(11 Nov 2005)
- Help text
- Copy Scrapper primary
menu option is disabled when the set being copied is not a Scrapper
- Corrected problem
where result grid did not redraw levels correctly when switching comparison
v1.2.0 (09 Nov
- Corrected order
of Regeneration powers (Dull Pain & Resilience switched)
- Result window no
longer contains lines for powers if not active, or for healing, defence
or resistance if the total is zero
- Parry and Divine
Avalanche are now included correctly in calculations
- Lethal defence
added to Parry and Divine Avalanche in I6 powers
- Defence reworked
to ensure that the highest positional or damage based defences are used
at all points in calculations
- Blaster Ancillary
power Charged Armor can no longer be selected with I4 powers
- Energy Absorption
is now correctly being applied as a stackable click power
v1.1.0 (05 Nov
- Added Blaster Ancillary
(Epic) powers
- Added control over
averaging across villain levels to damage ratio window
- Hesitation is now
being included in calculations
- Regional number
formatting is now handled
- I6 power descriptions
v1.0.2 (04 Nov
- Additional exception
logging added to set and power loading to track problems
(03 Nov 2005)
- Power font changed
for clarity on TFT displays
- Granite Armor defence
corrected to 20%
- Corrected display
error where power values could display 10 times higher than their actual
- Allow power window
to expand and contract correctly in both classic and XP style windows
v1.0.0 (28 Oct